Turkey Higher Education Qualifications Framework program within the scope of our department is located in the links below.

Click Here to access the course syllabuses of the relevant semester (2021-2022 / Fall Semester). To download the syllabus of a course, first click "Desc." next to the course code. Then click "Download Syllabus of This Course" on the new page.


Course List for student who registered at 2021 Fall and beyond:


Click here for technical/nontecnical courses

Course Contents
ME 102 Engineering Innovation & Programming
This course aims to establish a fundamental knowledge on both the different areas of mechanical engineering and teach a computer programming language. Specifically, by the end of this course, students will be able learn the fundamentals of mechanics, thermodynamics, fluids, heat transfer, solid mechanics, vibration, robotics and MATLAB programming language. In particular MATLAB user interface, basic and commonly used commands, creating variables & matrix, vectors and matrices analysis automating commands, loops and functions will be covered during programming sessions. Therefore, by the end of this course, students will have fundamental knowledge about the different areas of mechanical engineering and MATLAB programming language.
ME 216 Statics
This course aims to introduce the concepts of static equilibrium. Topics include concentrated forces, distributed forces, forces due to friction, moment and inertia as they apply to machines, structures, and systems.  Students will develop critical thinking skills necessary to formulate appropriate approaches to problem solutions.
ME 237 Thermodynamics-I
This course aims to form a sound theoretical basis for energy conversion processes, which is one the major fields of mechanical engineering. While preparing for the successive spring course of the conventional energy conversion, the course intends to make a solid background for the alternative energy conversion technologies as well. The course covers energy conservation, energy forms, energy conversion processes, energy conversion devices and energy conversion efficiency leaning upon the the laws of thermodynamics.
ME 204 Strength
To teach students the principles of mechanics of materials and to develop engineering problem solving skills in stress/strain/deflection analysis through application of these principles. Topics covered include: behavior of axially loaded members; torsion in circular shafts; stresses and deflections in beams with symmetric cross sections; stress and strain transformation when coordinate systems are rotated; principle stresses; triaxial stresses and maximum shear stress; response in thin walled pressure vessels. The course will rely on the students’ prerequisite knowledge of mathematics and basic science in developing principles and analytical techniques of mechanics of materials.
ME 214 Mechatronics
This course introduces the fundamentals of mechatronics. It covers the following topics: Working principles of mechatronic systems, circuits, sensors, and actuators. Mechatronics system design, characterization, performance limitations, noise.
ME 217 Dynamics
In this course, dynamics of particles and rigid bodies are given. The following topics are covered throughout the semester: rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles; Newton’s laws; dynamic equilibrium; linear and angular momentum of particles; energy methods; impulsive motion; dynamics of rigid bodies; absolute and relative velocity and acceleration in plane motion; Coriolis acceleration; D’Alembert’s principle; energy and momentum methods for rigid bodies.
ME 218 Engineering Materials
Modern science and technology is highly dependent on materials whose properties can be controlled to accommodate a wide range of applications. The multidisciplinary field of materials science and engineering outlines approaches to enhance the manipulation of existing materials and synthesis of new materials. Further, the study of materials science and engineering provides the basis for understanding material properties with respect to chemistry and atomic structure and specifically the ability to tailor chemistry and structure in order to bring about specific properties. The purpose of this course is to present to students the basic principles necessary to understand not only an engineering material but also basic level of composites. Classification of materials, atomic structure, periodic table, molecular structure, bonding in solid materials, structure of crystalline solids, mechanical properties and failure of materials, hydrogen embrittlement, dynamic strain aging, phase diagrams, properties and use of metal alloys and composites will be covered during the semester.
ME 238 Thermodynamics II
This course aims to make you competent in designing real energy conversion devices via implementing fundamental knowledge you gathered in thermodynamics (ME 237). While dealing with the conventional energy conversion devices, e.g., heat engines, refrigeration/heat pump systems, major gas and vapor cycles of work producing heat engines e.g., Otto, Diesel, Stirling, Rankine, etc. are thoroughly covered.
ME 272 Undergraduate Research II
This course offers an opportunity to the second grade students for getting familiar with the engineering and research projects. The engineering projects refer to designing and building systems which are useful for the experimental fuel cell research. Learners will be provided with as much opportunities of hands-on practice as possible with the aim of striking a balance between learner-centeredness and sufficient guidance. The research projects are planned for addressing technological issues of fuel cells with both experimental and numerical methods.
ME 301 Machine Elements-I
This course provides students with the opportunity to develop and demonstrate an understanding of the basic procedures used in the design of mechanical systems. Topics covered include stress, deflection and stiffness analyses, statistical and reliability considerations, theories of failure for ductile and brittle materials, fatigue design and introduction to the design of mechanical elements.
ME 305 Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems
Feedback control is an interdisciplinary and active field of research. This course introduces the basic concepts of control theory. Topics to be covered during the lecture include but not limited to: review of Laplace transforms; dynamic models; system response; feedback control; root-locus design; frequencyresponse design. The lecture is concluded with an introduction to state-space control theory. At the end of the course, students will be able to develop an understanding of and ability to use the tools to model, analyze, and design mechanical and electro-mechanical systems to achieve desired behavior in face of uncertainties and disturbances.
ME 311 Internship I
This course refers to the internship at a company or at a research institute setting in Mechanical Engineering discipline. The course can be taken throughout the study program starting from the completion of the second grade including the summer terms.
ME 316 Experimental Engineering
This course provides students hands-on experience of measurement techniques and analysis of experimental data. Students are work in groups to conduct measurements and prepare reports of experimental studies. In the theoretical part of the lecture, following topics are addressed: error and uncertainty analysis; regression and correlation; calibration; electrical measurements and sensors; pressure and flow measurements; force, torque and strain measurements; vibration measurement. Experimental studies are conducted on the following topics: calibration, statics, dynamics, control, strength, fluid mechanics and heat transfer.
ME 317 Fluid Mechanics
This is an introduction course to fluid mechanics where we study the following topics: 1. Basic concepts and properties of fluids 2. Pressure and fluid statics 3. Mass, Bernoulli, and energy equations 4. Momentum analysis of flow systems 5. Flow in pipes 6. Differential analysis of fluid flow 7. Flow over bodies: Drag and Lift
ME 318 Fluid Dynamics and Design
This course aims that students will be able to have understanding about conservation of mass and energy, mechanical energy and efficiency, the Bernoulli equation, general energy equation and energy analysis of steady flows, momentum analysis of flow systems, the linear momentum equation, the angular momentum equation, flow regimes and the entrance region, laminar/turbulent flow in pipes, minor losses.
ME 346 Machine Theory I
In the first part of the machine theory course, basic concepts of mechanisms are introduced. The following topics are addressed: kinematic chains, mechanisms and machines; degrees of freedom of mechanisms; position, velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms; instant center of rotation method; mobility analysis; static force analysis of mechanisms; graphical and analytical methods for dynamic analysis of planar linkages; four-bar linkage.
ME 352 Heat Transfer
This course introduces the science of heat transfer. Heat transfer mechanisms of conduction, convection, and radiation are discussed and steady/transient heat conduction and internal forced convection are thoroughly studied.
ME 354 Numerical Analysis with Engineering Applications
This course aims to furnish students with analytical abilities to analyze an engineering system with its component, or process in Mechanical Engineering computational problem and computational abilities to conduct Mechanical/Civil engineering computations and analyze and interpret the resulting results.
ME 372 Undergradute Research IV
This course is an opportunity for you prior to undertaking a Capstone project in your final year. It allows you to get familiar with the engineering and research projects. The engineering projects refer to designing and building systems which are useful for the experimental fuel cell research. The research projects are planned for addressing technological issues of fuel cells with both experimental and numerical methods.
ME 402 Capstone II
Various research topics related to mechanical systems, machine theory, control engineering, dynamics, vibration engineering, acoustical engineering. Learners will be provided with as much opportunities of hands-on practice as possible with the aim of striking a balance between learner-centeredness and sufficient guidance. Various forms of interaction (i.e. pair work and group work) will also be encouraged to cater for learners with different learning styles. Additionally, individuals will be expected to produce both in-class writings and homework assignments in addition to the reading tasks, which will encourage them to reflect and think critically. Technology will also be incorporated into the classroom procedures in order to create a better learning environment.
ME 404 Machine Design
This course is designed to teach the students the methodology of machine design. Both learning the theory and applying the knowledge in a class project the machine design process is taught with hands on experience.
ME 411 Internship II
This course refers to the internship at a company or at a research institute setting in Mechanical Engineering discipline. The course can be taken throughout the study program starting from the completion of the second grade including the summer terms.
ME 422 Metal Forming
Metal forming, Materials Science, Elasticity-Plasticity, Strength of materials, Different forming processes. Learners will be provided with as much opportunities of hands-on practice as possible with the aim of striking a balance between learner-centeredness and sufficient guidance. Various forms of interaction (i.e. pair work and group work) will also be encouraged to cater for learners with different learning styles. Additionally, individuals will be expected to produce both in-class writings and homework assignments in addition to the reading tasks, which will encourage them to reflect and think critically. Technology will also be incorporated into the classroom procedures in order to create a better learning environment.
ME 423 Microstructure Engineering
This course is aimed to teach the relationship between mechanical properties of materials and microstructure and obtain a good knowledge on crystal plasticity and multi-scale modeling.
ME 424 Fuel Cell Science and Engineering
This course introduces the science of fuel cells which are in the recent years considered as highly potent energy coversion technologies with high efficiency and emission-free features comparing to the conventional energy conversion technologies. While covering the types of fuel cells, the course focuses on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cells, as they indicate high potential with their low operating temperature for powering vehicles.
ME 425 Vibration Engineering
This is an introductory course in the basic theory and applications of vibration engineering at the undergraduate level. Throughout the course the following topics are covered: free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom and multi degrees of freedom systems; response to harmonic excitations; vibration under general forcing; vibration of continuous systems; vibration measurement and passive vibration control; analytical and experimental modal analysis.
ME 447 Machine Theory II
In the second part of the machine theory course, basic vibration theory, analytical dynamics concept, flywheels, brakes and dynamometers are introduced. The following topics are addressed: free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems; balancing of rotating machinery and linkages; vibration control; 3D kinetics of a rigid body; gyroscopic motion; torque-free motion; introduction to spatial kinematics.
MATH 450 Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications
This course aims that students will be able to distinguish different types of Linear Equations and obtain their Echelon Forms, Use basic definitions of vector calculus, conduct calculations on vectors, vector spaces, subspaces, use linear independence, find spanset, basis, determine dimension, define and use inner product definition, find norm of a vector, use orthogonality to realize Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process, use different solution techniques to find the solutions of first order and higher order ODEs for engineering application. Course also aims that students will be able to make Classification of PDEs: Parabolic, Hyperbolic, Elliptic - The Wave Equation, The Heat Equation, Laplace’s Equation ,use Separation of variables method solutions to PDEs - PDEs in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, use Integral Transform Methods for solving partial Differential Equations : Fourier and Laplace Transforms for solving Partial Differential Equations.
ME 451 Metallic Biomaterials
This course aims to introduce students to metallic biomaterials and their use in various medical applications such as dental screws, orthopedic hip replacements or cardiovascular stents. Critical phenomena influencing the success of the medical treatment, such as biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, cell attachment or bacterial adhesion will be explained. Required physical, mechanical and chemical properties for the desired applications will be discussed. In the end of this course students will be able to determine the material properties of particular applications providing the utmost success by minimizing the post-surgical complications. 

                             GRADUATION FLOW CHART

You can access the student termination document here.